Full Artucle: http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/647929/i_am_drinking_drugged_water.html?cat=71
An article reports that is a few major cities, drinking water is highly contaminated with many different kinds of pharmecuticals. The author, along with a group of scientists and researchers, theorize that most of it comes from our own bodies.
When our toilet water is filtered and treated, our urine is separated from the water and recycled into drinking water. This is one thing our government seems to be doing right. However, with a large number of Americcans taking many different kinds of medications, which are elimnated through urine, it is nearly impossible to treat the water of the pharmecuticals without distillation, which can be very expensive on a large scale.
The scientists theorize the medicines are human waste products because they discovered, after testing samples of the water, that the medicine has already been metabolized, meaning there are chemicals found in the human bodies that have already broken it down to a degree.
However, the article also reports that there are pharmecutical byproducts also in the water, but doesn't report on where it may come from or even why those are there, despite its obviousness. Byproducts are waste products that are created in addition to the manufacturing of something using chemicals, in this case pharmecuticals. So, by the power of deduction, one could say that pharmecutical companies are dumping their waste into our water.
Just to give you perspective on how bad it is, in Philadelphia alone, they have found over 53 pharmecuticals, likely including medicines for pain, infection, epilepsy, and mental illnesses. They have also found 63 pharmecuticals in neraby watersheds.
This not mainly affects the population of humans in the ecosystem surrounding Phile because animals drink don't drink tap water. Good for them. They're already making healthier choices than most Americans. This is not likely to even cause a stasis in humans because many do not drink tap water, and even those that do probably already take medications on a regular basis that are much higher in dosage than what is in the tap water. If anything, the medications in full dosage would cause a stasis in terms of tolerance to the medication they take. It can, however, be very dangerous to children because of their lower BMI and the possbile reaction their bodies could have with the medications in the water.